Welcome to my web site!

I have been interested in artistic endeavors for most of my life.  I have been painting professionally for over 30 years.  I graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education with a minor in art.  After I graduated, I taught first grade until I decided to become a self employed artist specializing in watercolor paintings.  I have had my paintings in many art galleries throughout Texas.  I have taught adult classes in watercolor and decorative painting and children’s classes in multi-media and decorative painting.   I am certified to teach art in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade and have taught art in the public school system for a number of years. 

 In 2000, I was attending a carving seminar with my husband, Dee, and I became fascinated with chip carving.  I tried it and found that I absolutely love it.  I have been chip carving ever since.  I have been fortunate to be able to take classes and learn from some of the best.  I have won many awards for my paintings and carvings, and have had my chip carved pieces in Chip Chats magazine and Chip Carvers Quarterly.  I hope to continue to learn and grow in my chip carving and pass that love, knowledge and enthusiasm on to my students.  I am teaching chip carving at Coastal Bend Woodcarving Seminar, Ozarks Woodcarving Seminar, Texas Woodcarvers Guild Seminars and Oakdale Park Fall Woodcarving Rally.    

If you are interested in viewing a variety of my work, visit my website at http://www.carolynsartworks.com


            Chip Carving

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I do all types of woodcarving; in-the-round, relief and chip carving. Of all the types of carving I have done, my favorite is chip carving. Chip carving produces some fantastic designs and finished products. You can do geometric chip carving and free form chip carving. All types of chip carving can be done with one or two knives and just about any -where in your home. I am currently teaching chip carving seminars in Texas, Colorado and Missouri. Visit my page on my chip carvings for some examples and a schedule of my seminars and shows.



I also love doing tole painting, expecially the beautiful brush stroke work. I have taught both adult and children's classes in decorative painting. A very happy side effect of decorative painting is the way it has really helped me get rich colors and interesting shading and decorative effects on my in-the-round carvings, especially the Santas.



After graduating from college with
an Education degree and an art minor, I set up a studio in my home and painted and sold watercolor art.
My paintings were sold in many galleries in Texas. I also taught adult classes in watercolor painting.


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Site By Dee Halbrook